Siang kawan . dari pada blog kosong gak pernah posting . mendingan mau post tentang sebuah cita - cita anak akuntansi * tugas adek tingkat juga sih, suruh ngerjain -__-*
Dalam bahasa inggris , kalau agak rancu ya maklum guys , namanya juga pake google translate
after graduating from university Islam Sultan Agung, I want to be a public accountant, although now to become a certified public accountant is very difficult and only a competent person only, therefore, from the beginning of the lecture I study hard in order to achieve my dreams. not a few people looked accountant is a tedious job, but for me it was fun, every day I would work with numerical computation, perform a general journal entries, posts, bookkeeping paperwork, calculating profit / loss at the end of the period.
for the first few months. I did not take a side job, I would save up and when is enough, I would buy the stock, entering the world of exchange effeck. since become an accountant already seized much of my time, my life will be colored and happy with what I have lived to become a professional accountant.
terlalu sedikit ? sedikit tapi dalem itu mah .
nah lo.. impiannya apaan ??
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